Hillsdale College

The Blake Center for Faith and Freedom

Maintaining Christianity and Perpetuating Liberty

A view from the front of the Blake Center, looking up into the sky.

What do we mean by Faith and Freedom?

By faith we mean the essentials of the Christian faith and religion.

By freedom we mean the prevalence of civil and religious liberty.

Thus, The Blake Center is dedicated to maintaining the Christian faith by precept and example and perpetuating the inestimable blessings that result from freedom.

Events at the Blake Center

The Blake Legacy

Help and Press Blake with Dr. Arnn

"This is the most important thing that we have ever done. We wanted to preserve our property, our legacy, and our values. Because Hillsdale has remained faithful to its principles, does not take any money from the government, and has excellent leadership, we are entrusting it to the College."

-Prestley and Helen Blake

Opened in 2020, the Blake Center is named in honor of S. Prestley and Helen Blake, who donated the property to Hillsdale in 2019. The crown jewel of the property is a replica of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, which features the Jefferson Library, a collection of rare and antique books according to the same system Jefferson would have used in his own Monticello.

Visit the Center

To arrange a visit, contact us:
(860) 222-0386
[email protected]

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